Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Rumpelstiltskin Challenge at Five Green Acres

I saw the challenge posted last week.   I thought to myself; "no, no, no!  DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER CHALLENGE!  You will only regret it when you accomplish nothing due to general lack of motivation induced by carrying your fourth child and then, your failure will be displayed for all the world to see in blogger land".   But then I saw (and read) Mary Jo's report at the end of week one and it dawned on me The Rumpelstiltskin Challenge posed by Mary Jo over at Five Green Acres goes hand in hand with the biggest challenge that I have going on already so I have decided to take it.  

We have roughly six months until the arrival of our newest member of the family.  During this six months I hope to have rid our home of all the extraneousness items that do not belong here.  I would like to come home from the hospital to a clean and orderly home (for I seriously doubt that there will be any sanity past that once there are four of them and two of us).  The Rumpelstiltskin Challenge is to use what you've got to make what you are going to make.  Well I have a lot of things around here that need to be used or sent to a new home where some one else will use them.

There is the collection of frames in my garage
There are boxes upon boxes of fabric
There are pillow inserts waiting to be covered
There are ugly shelves waiting to be made beautiful

and the list goes on and on and on....

So I am taking this challenge and encouraging you to do so too!  If you haven't already gone to Five Green Acres , I suggest you get your tail over there and check out Mary Jo's great blog and of course you can read all about The Rumpelstiltskin Challenge there.


  1. This sounds interesting... I am going to check out the link!

  2. Good, good! I am trying to clean up the mess that is my house so that I can get started on working with what I've got lol. Never ceases to amaze me how I forget what the first trimester is really like! It will be a few days before I have anything interesting to post (at least). If you take the challenge, I can't wait to see what you come up with! I love, love, love your blog!
