Saturday, December 18, 2010

finally, I'm back with pics

It has been a mad house of sewing, baking, concerts and class parties over here.  Makes me wonder how I ever thought I would get back here before the months end but here I am!  First up, the pictures of the money cuffs made for Yasmeen's guests at the party last month.  I believe it was nearly two weeks ago when I promised to post these "tomorrow" well never mind the tardiness, here they are:

the monograms were done freehand with the satin stitch

handy zippered pocket to put your $$$ in 

and a cute little 15 month old to model them for you...funny thing is that she put these on herself while I was busy, oh, I have a lot of fun to look forward to with this busy girl!

Remember that these were not my idea, I first saw them here and then followed that link to this tutorial..  The tutorial was great.  I added the piece of fabric with the monograms because I wasn't happy with the visible stitching after adding Velcro.  Also, I wanted to add more of the pink (Yasmeen picked the pink for the inside and I thought it was better out.  So we compromised and she loved them.

Now this morning I am trying to fit in a couple hours of work out side of the home before I finish making the rest of  my Christmas gifts and yes, I am way behind but still hopeful ; )  I am hoping that I can come back and post late tonight when I have gotten some more done.  I would love to show pics of the wonderful rosettes I've been working on and the car rolls that I have made.  I still have 3 skirts and few other odds and ends to complete before Christmas so off of this computer I am getting now!

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