Monday, November 22, 2010

and operation Birthday Surprise is complete...well almost

So the day has come and gone and here I am, still up!  I just had to come and post pics of just how much I was able to get done on the big birthday surprise for Yasmeen.  Her room is not yet complete but hopefully it will be before her slumber party on Friday.  My apologies for the pics but I was exhausted by the time I got to take a pic and the lighting left a bit to be desired.

The lamp shade is still not redone and I now realize that a few more pillows might be in order to give her that "sofa" feel that she so wants but I'm quite pleased with the progress.

The photo collage extends further to the left of this photo but the full pic came out a mess (even darker than this one) so I'll have to take better pics in the light tomorrow.
She absolutely LOVES this collage!
SUCCESS at last ; )

My daughter has been begging for posters to be hung in her room for a long time now.  Lucky for me, one of her best friends has a mom who really loves her and granted her wish this year.  She delivered and hung all three of these lovely frames filled with Yasmeen's pick of super stars.  Gotta say that I'd never sen Kesha before and am not so very impressed...I must be getting old.

Now all of the hodgepodge of posters are hung up in her closet and she couldn't have been more thrilled.

These are the two pillows that I kept saying I would post pics of.  The last one I did was the one with her name on it and that was fun.  I have never tried to "embroider" anything with my machine until this pillow and I learned a lot doing it.  Freehanding it is kind of liberating after all of those straight lines.

I leave you with a pic of the 11 year old herself.  She said that this was the best birthday of her life..I hope we don't disappoint her next year.

Happy Birthday my dear sweet Yasmeen!
I love you!


  1. Yasmeen's room looks like a lot of fun! Think you need a picture of her name over her curtains (hint, hint). I don't think I could pull off a room makeover as a birthday surprise!!!
    Yasmeen-I will be mailing your Birthday and Christmas gifts all at once...prolongs the anticipation!

  2. Everything turned out so great!!! Yasmeen looked so happy. I love the pillow with her name on it the most.

  3. Thank you both, it's been super busy over here and I just couldn't get back to the blog to post a response until now. I love that pillow with her name on it too!
